Yoga Mudrasana: Everything You Should Know

From the family of Lotus postures, Yoga Mudrasana consists of a seated forward bending technique. It is more than a yoga posture. Moreover, Yoga Mudrasana works as a yogic seal for the better flow of Prana energy through your body. Let’s learn a bit more about Yoga Mudrasana. Read on. What is Yoga Mudrasana? Yoga Mudrasana came into existence from Sanskrit. Further, two words combine to form this word. Thus, Mudra & Asana come together to form Yoga Mudrasana. There are various Mudras and Bandhas that help in locking out the energy. However, when you practicing a Mudra along with a yoga asana, that is termed as Yoga Mudrasana. Furthermore, it is also called a Psychic Union Pose. Thus, it ensures the flow of psychic energy through your body. Who Can’t Practice Yoga Mudrasana Many practitioners can’t practice the Yoga Mudrasana. Let’s have a look at it. Pregnant women should stay away from this pose. Women having periods should also avoid practicing this pose. People having...