Yoga Mudrasana: Everything You Should Know

From the family of Lotus postures, Yoga Mudrasana consists of a seated forward bending technique. It is more than a yoga posture. Moreover, Yoga Mudrasana works as a yogic seal for the better flow of Prana energy through your body. Let’s learn a bit more about Yoga Mudrasana. Read on.

What is Yoga Mudrasana?

Yoga Mudrasana came into existence from Sanskrit. Further, two words combine to form this word. Thus, Mudra & Asana come together to form Yoga Mudrasana. There are various Mudras and Bandhas that help in locking out the energy. However, when you practicing a Mudra along with a yoga asana, that is termed as Yoga Mudrasana.

Furthermore, it is also called a Psychic Union Pose. Thus, it ensures the flow of psychic energy through your body. 

Who Can’t Practice Yoga Mudrasana

Many practitioners can’t practice the Yoga Mudrasana. Let’s have a look at it. 

  • Pregnant women should stay away from this pose.
  • Women having periods should also avoid practicing this pose.
  • People having sciatica pain issues should not practice Yoga Mudrasana.
  • Avoid if having lower back pain.
  • People having knee injuries should avoid this pose.

Preparatory Poses For Yoga Mudrasana

Preparing your body before initiating this pose is always a good option. Some of the best and easy preparatory yoga poses are as follows:

  • Easy Pose
  • Lotus Pose
  • Head to Knee Pose
  • Cow Face Pose
  • Bound Angle Pose

Easy Steps to Practice Yoga Mudrasana

1. Get in a lotus position and take your hands behind your back. 

2. Hold one of your wrists and then close your eyes. Keep breathing normally. 

3. First breathe in deep. Bend forward while keeping your spine straight while exhaling slowly. 

4. Let your head touch the ground.

5. Stay in this position as long as possible while breathing normally.

6. Once you have exhaled deeply, slowly move back to the neutral position. 

7. Let go of your hands and get out of the Lotus position.

8. Get in the Lotus position with the opposite leg over the other one. 

9. Hold your other wrist and repeat the same process again.

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Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana Practice

Better Mobility

Practicing Yoga Mudrasana stretches out your hips and thighs muscles. Moreover, it works on your knee joints, shoulders, arms, and upper chest area. Hence, it enhances your lower body flexibility and mobility.

The increased mobility helps in better performance when you practice various other yoga poses. Furthermore, it also helps you stay strong throughout your life with the regular practice of yoga.  

Tones Abdomen Organs

When you practice the Yoga Mudrasana, you contract and engage various abdomen muscles and organs. Further, bending forward while engaging different muscles tones your abdomen muscles. It increases their overall performance and functioning. 

Giving a massage to your abdominal organs enhances your digestion and metabolism. It also improves the conversion of the food you eat into energy. Thereby, you stay away from all the stomach issues.

Releases Stress

The Yoga Mudrasana posture drives off stress, be it mental or physical. Moreover, it keeps depression and anxiety at bay. Practicing this pose activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System. It leads to the prevention of mental ailments like hypertension. Hence, you live a perfectly fine life with the regular practice of this asana. 

Furthermore, releasing stress from your mind reflects on your physical body as well. You remain active and always on the go to do any work. Stress also plays with your mental mechanisms. Thus, practicing this pose means you work towards your overall wellness. 

Also Read:- What is Yoga Alliance Certification

Activates Kundalini Energy

Kundalini energy stays hidden in the base of your spine. With consistent practice of Yoga Mudrasana practice, there is an activation of lower energy points. That further leads to the activation of the Kundalini Shakti that flows up through your spine. 

The activation of the Kundalini energy creates a cycle of pure energy through your body. That leads to the efficient working of your creative mind. Hence, the practice of the Yoga Mudrasana plays a vital role in achieving mastery over Kundalini energy. 

Wrap Up

Yoga Mudrasana has many physical as well as subtle benefits for overall wellness. Make sure you practice this carefully without hurting yourself. Just keep practicing consistently to master this pose and live a harmonious life. 

Read More:- Yoga Nadis- The Three Main Nadis


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