2 Different Ways to Meditate for Better Sleep

Trouble in falling asleep in night? Well, you are not the only one. Around 40 to 60 percent of adults across the globe experience insomnia symptoms on a regular basis. For most of the people out there, sleeping difficulty is related to stress. This is because stress can result in tension and anxiety, making it a daunting task to fall asleep.

So, what to do? Meditation can help you a lot! Meditation before falling asleep? Yeah! It is a relaxation technique that can quiet the body and mind while improving your inner peace. When done before going to bed in night, meditation helps in reducing insomnia as well as sleep troubles by giving you overall calmness.

How relaxing it is, isn't it? Here, you will learn about three different ways of meditation for sleep. We will also take the lid off from its advantages and possible risks. Let's enter the peaceful world!

How Can Meditation Help in Falling Asleep?

When anyone hears about sleep meditation, the first query that comes to mind is 'what will meditation do to fall asleep?', 'how can meditation help with sleep?', 'what's the relation between meditation and sleep?', or then some. So, it is no wonder that you are too having the same query in the mind. Let's give you a resolution to your query!

When you meditate, a wide array of physiological changes take place. These changes influence particular processes in the body to initiate sleep. Narrowing in on our restful hours, meditation practices and mindful exercises can considerably impact the realm of sleep.

Meditation may also:
  • Increase serotonin (precursor of melatonin)
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Increase melatonin (the sleep hormone)
  • Activate parts of the brain that control sleep
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Reduce heart rate

All such changes are experienced by your body in the early stages of sleep. Consequently, meditation allows you to sleep by initiating these changes.

How to Meditate to Fall Asleep?

Meditation is a simple practice that can be done anytime, anywhere. No need of any special equipment or tools! If truth be told, the only thing you need is a few minutes.
Let's have a look at some basic steps of meditation:
  • Locate a peaceful area in your home. Sit or lie down – what you feel more comfortable. At bedtime, lying down is recommended.
  • Close your eyes slowly and take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale properly and deeply. 
  • In case any thought comes in the mind, let it go and focus on your breathing.

Given that you try meditation for sleep, be calm and have patience! Start sleep meditation for 2-4 minutes. Over time, continue to slowly increase the time by 10-15 minutes. 

Ways of Meditation for Sleep

Let's ring up the curtains from some specific sleep meditation techniques that tend to work well for sleep.

Mindful Meditation

Mindful Meditation is a wonderful technique that includes focusing on the present; no past and no future. It can be done by increasing your awareness of your body, breathing, and consciousness.

Here's how to do mindful meditation:
  • Take away all distractions from your room, including your beloved smartphone. 
  • Lie down in the most comfortable position.
  • Monitor your breathing. Inhale for 20 counts and then hold your breath for 20 times. Similarly, exhale for 20 counts. Repeat the process 3 times.
  • Inhale and pause your body; don't do any movement. Then, relax and exhale. Repeat the process 3 times.
  • Observe your breath and body. In the event that any body part feels tight, consciously relax it.
  • Whenever any thought comes in, slowly return your focus to the breathing. Let it pass away.

Guided Meditation

Another technique is guided meditation. In this technique, another person walks you through each step of meditation. It is like a yoga retreat for sleep meditation. Here's how to do guided meditation:
  • Select a recording. Dim the light of the device you are using to listen to the guided meditation.
  • Play the recording you selected. Lie down and breathe slowly, deeply, and properly.
  • Put all your focus on the person's voice in the recording. In case your mind takes you anywhere, just return your attention to the recording.


  1. Meditation is very helpful for many problems and it is useful for my insomnia problem. To regularize sleep cycle along with meditation taking herbal dietary supplements for sleeplessness is more effective.


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