Why Become a Kundalini Yoga Teacher – Know Here

kundalini yoga

Do you want to bring positive changes in your life and do away with all the stress and distraction? Is the daily grind of professional and personal life getting a little too much? It is time for you to dive deeper into your spiritual side and unlock the hidden potential. How about learning the mystical art of Kundalini yoga?

Kundalini yoga is an ancient art that helps unlock and expand your true consciousness. The practice of Kundalini yoga includes unlocking the seven chakras present in your subtle body by mixing with Prana and Apana energy. In other words, it helps you unite individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.

With that said,  let us first understand what Kundalini is.

Kundalini – In Brief

Kundalini is a powerhouse of psychic energy lying dormant in your subtle body and symbolized as a coiled serpent at the base of your spine. An activated Kundalini rises towards the central channel in your spinal column and reaches the Crown Chakra located at the top of your head. This results in the awakening of your spiritual consciousness.

Also Read:- What Are Chakras? How To Activate Chakras With Meditation?

However, the Kundalini style of yoga does not come without some major benefits. Let us check out what these are.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Given below are the three major benefits of Kundalini yoga.

1. Improves Memory and Focus

Regular practice of Kundalini yoga does a lot when it comes to improving your cognitive functions. It provides a major boost to your memory power which helps keep many age-related memory problems at bay.

2. Develops Strength

Since you hold a particular pose in Kundalini Yoga for an extended period it strengthens your muscles. The practice of intense breathing techniques also strengthens your abdominal muscles. Enrolling in Kundalini yoga teacher training courses gives you the skills to help others develop good physical health.

3. Lowers Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Studies have shown how Kundalini yoga helps control your blood pressure and heart rate. The various breathing exercises you do with this form of yoga calm down your nervous system and minimizes stress.

With that said, let us look at how becoming a Kundalini yoga teacher can be a win-win situation for you and the students.

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Why to Become Kundalini Yoga Teacher – The 3 Reasons

Given below are three powerful reasons to inspire you to take up the sacred path of a Kundalini yoga teacher.

1. Silence the Mind

The practice of Kundalini yoga calms down your mind and the pacing thoughts that leave you feeling insecure. You learn to not just calm down but also stop all unnecessary thoughts running through your mind. Why not learn this sacred art and help others enjoy peace of mind?

2. Connect With the Divine

Kundalini Yoga helps you detach from materialistic wants and needs. Your mind, body, and soul start working towards unison with universal consciousness. You come to realize that union with the higher dimensions of life is the truth that develops faith in self. You should look for Kundalini yoga teacher training courses to understand the full depth of this mystical art.

Also Read:- Best Yoga Mudra Asanas And Their Benefits

3. Remove the Obstructions

Kundalini Yoga is much more than just the practice of specific asanas and breathing techniques. It is a science of letting go of every distraction holding your body and mind captive from realizing its full potential.


Kundalini yoga offers you a chance to connect your spiritual consciousness with the universal consciousness by letting go of all the distractions. You should look for the best Kundalini yoga te acher training courses to learn everything about this sacred art and help others realize their true self.

Read More:- Chakra Meditation vs Transcendental meditation


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