Insomnia Disrupting Your Sleep? Try Yoga

Sleep Disorders

Working late into the night and a lack of sleep causes a variety of medical issues like depression and chronic pain. One of these issues affecting millions around the world is Insomnia which occurs as a result of hormonal changes and heartburn.

Insomnia is one of the sleep disorders where you are unable to sleep enough to feel physically and mentally fresh. It is also a symptom of numerous mental health issues like depression, stress, and chronic pain.

With that said, let us understand a bit about sleep and why proper sleep is important for you.

Sleep – In Brief

A night of quality sleep plays a vital role in your brain development. Sleeping helps your brain perform important tasks like maintain long-term memory, repair nerve tissue and cells, and absorb new information without any hassle. Proper sleep helps your mind sort out what activities you did in the past, present, and future.

In short, sleeping is important for maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills like memory, speech, and innovative thinking.

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Effects of Lack of Sleep

A lack of sleep leaves numerous side effects on your brain. Your ability to perform the simplest tasks declines due to lack of sleep. Moreover, continuous sleep deprivation can also lead to mood swings, hallucinations, and even death.

Let us check out how many hours of sleep helps you stay safe from countless sleep disorders.

How Much Sleep is Sufficient?

A common notion regarding sleep is you should get at least eight hours of sleep. However, it depends on the individual as some require a few hours of rest while others need extra hours to rejuvenate completely.

Let us now concentrate on the effects of Insomnia.

Side Effects of Insomnia

  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Waking up too early or during the night
  • Disturbed sleeping pattern
  • Daytime fatigue, mood swings, sleepiness, and lack of concentration

Given below in detail is what causes sleep disorders in the first place.

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What Causes Sleep Disorders? – Know Here

Poor sleep is a result of chronic medical conditions like depression and chronic pain, among others. Moreover, what you consume also affects sleep quality. For example, if you consume too much caffeine it can interfere with your ability to enjoy deep sleep.

Nicotine and alcohol are also to blame when it comes to you suffering from sleep disorders. Alcohol becomes a stimulant after a few hours and causes you to wake up early without enjoying a deep sleep.

With every problem, you also find its solution. You should inculcate yoga into your everyday schedule to enjoy deep sleep.

Yoga For Insomnia

Whether you join a yoga school or practice at home there are two yoga asanas to help you sleep peacefully at night.

1. Sleeping Swan (Kapotasana)

Sleeping swan pose

Sleeping Swan yoga pose stretches your neck, shoulders, back, legs, and hips. It also calms down your nervous system.

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How to Do Sleeping Swan Pose

1) Sit on the yoga mat and keep a pillow in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring its sole near to your right inner thigh.

2) Lift your hips and extend the right leg behind you. Remain centered and hinge forward from the hips. Make sure you keep your head on the pillow.

3) Extend both your arms forward with elbows slightly bent. Hold this position for at least 8 to 10 breaths and relax.

2. Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Legs up the wall pose

The Legs Up the Wall pose works on your hamstrings and glutes. It also does wonders when it comes to helping you get rid of sleep disorders.

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Steps to Practice Viparita Karani

1. Lie down on the yoga mat facing a wall and onto your back.

2. Move your hips as close to the wall as possible. Lift both your legs and rest the back of your legs against the wall. Keep your legs perpendicular to the yoga mat.

3. Keep your arms out towards the sides with palms facing upwards. Hold this position for 15 seconds.


Insomnia and other sleep disorders wreak havoc on your mental and physical health. However, the regular practice of yoga can help you enjoy a deep and quality sleep every night without any hassle.

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