Yoga for Insomnia: 8 Simple Poses to Help You Sleep Better

yoga for insomnia

If you are feeling stressed and not able to fall asleep, you can try yoga for Insomnia for sound sleep. A survey reported that more than 85% of people found yoga a great way to get rid of sleep-related issues. 

With regular yoga practice, several sleep disorders can be cured, including sleep apnea, depression, insomnia, etc. With Yoga, you can get better sleep at night as it alleviated all the stress. Here in this article, we are going to explain some simple yet effective yoga poses to help you sleep better and heal the problem of sleeplessness or insomnia. 

Best Yoga Poses to Cure Insomnia 

1. Legs up the wall pose

Legs up the wall is a great yoga pose bringing numerous health benefits to people, especially those struggling with the problem of insomnia. It not only helps with the neural and emotional release but also great for muscular release. With the practice of this pose of yoga for insomnia, you can calm your mind and get relaxed. If you want to enjoy sound sleep, then the Legs up the Wall pose can give much-needed rest.

2. Happy Baby

This is another endearing and lively yoga pose to relieve stress and tension in the mind and back. The Happy baby yoga pose is the best fit for stressed hips. This pose energizes your body, relaxes your muscles, and reduces stiffness in your body, making you sleep better.

3. Lizard Pose

Unlike the Happy Baby Yoga Pose, beginners may find doing the Lizard Pose a bit challenging. Withal, when mastered the posture can help you have a deep sleep. This yoga pose promotes real focus on your breathing which assists to open up your chest and hips, gearing up the body for other yoga positions.

4. Plow Pose

This is one of the most relaxing and handy poses to open your shoulders and relieve any back pain. Along with promoting a healthy sleep pattern, it also helps with the proper flow of blood around the body.

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5. Restorative Bridge Pose

The Restorative Bridge Pose is well-advised as the best yoga pose for the encouragement of sleepiness. This is also considered a great pose of yoga for insomnia. The pose can be done using yoga blankets and bolsters for getting the best results. Using props will support your body while exercising this pose.

6. Supported Fish

Supported Fish is the best yoga pose to help you relax muscles of your upper back as well as stretch your chest. Apart from that, this yoga pose also inspires you to fall asleep sooner and stay sleeping for anextended time period. To come out of the pose, you are suggested to roll gently off your bolster onto your side.

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7. Seated Forward Bend

Seated forward bend not only helps you stretch out your back right from the spine to the neck but also is a go-to option for relaxing your mind. It is believed that this yoga pose helps to alleviate stress and promote better sleep. This sleep yoga pose offers great results once the body is warmed up. So, why not to practice it before bedtime?

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8. Corpse Pose

Corpse or Savasana also helps you slip into a quiet and deep sleep. Any yoga practice is always given an end with the Corpse Pose. It is planned to make a relaxation outcome simply perfect for just ahead you slope into bed. Also, you can practice the pose to reduce your blood pressure as well.Shavasanais also great to realign the balance of your body and bring calmness to your mind. It also aids in improving the quality of sleep.

To Conclude

Yoga is a great way to heal insomnia. Regular practice of yoga can have a calming effect on your mind and body and helps in reducing stress by improving blood circulation in the body. Yoga can also try Yoga Nidra for Insomnia if the problem is worst. However, make sure to practice yoga Nidra only under the guidance of an expert yoga teacher. He will guide you on how yoga can free your mind of any stress and facilitate a night of better sleep. 

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